WFB Community Garden

When creating the WFB Blue Duke Nation Alumni & Friends network, we decided to include "& Friends" because of the many parents, community members, and staff who contribute to the excellence of WFB schools. One group of people who contribute to the beauty, education and health of the schools is the WFB Community Garden organization.

Community member Miriam Gerriets leads a band of neighborhood volunteers who cultivate a vegetable and flower garden cooperative at the WFB High School in the green space outside of the Field House and Gym. WFB HS students designed and built the garden shed. The produce is available to volunteers who work in the garden and is sold at the WFB Farmer's Market in the summer. The volunteers have even branched out from the fenced in garden space to beautify the gardens beside the High School along Marlborough. Thank you to all of the WFB Community Garden volunteers !  Find out more at WFB Community Garden.

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